Astro Magia 5

Online & In Person

June/July 2025

More Information to Be Announced


For Hermes, that wily devil, curiosity is King. The mark of their children is the eagerness of their curio, which darts about, much like their progenitor. We find it in the eye of the stellar witch, the hands of the celestial wizard, the voice of the seraphic conjurer, the perception of the astral diviner, and the intellect of the heavenly sage. Their powers are keen, skilled, and erudite when cultivated. For if curiosity is King, its cultivation is Key.

Turning to a relevant set of linguistic inheritances, we can interrogate the following. The work of astrologia, stars signs, and astromanteía, star divination, when applied, asks that ample data be taken in and synthesised into a clear, and somewhat conconcise, or cryptic, oracle. Similarly, the knowledge of astronomia, star melody, requires keen discernment and esoteric insight. Its employment demands capacity and virtuosity. To be effective in the practice of astromageia, astral magic, aptitudes both prosaic and poetic, both technical and imaginative, both interpretive and prescriptive are encouraged. All are fortified by persistent inquisitiveness, intelligence, and erudition. However, the history of such knowledge defies these classifications, and as such, like ‘science’, ‘astrology’, ‘astronomy’, and ‘magic’,  have been applied variously and conceived of differently over time and place. Such variations and their specificities are of great value in our quest.

Astral knowledge is that of celestial divination, omen, prognostication, astrology, astronomy, and magic, as well as their many applications. Such knowledge incorporates particular theoretical and practical understanding. It is acquired through a mix of specific learning and experience.

Transmission of celestial knowledge, be it the exchange between teacher and student or between spirit, god, and practitioner, plays a significant role in both the origin and the ongoing life of such knowledge. The orality of transmissions are as important today as they were in the past, though much remains to be considered here that is frequently overlooked. However, both within its literate history and in the revival of western astrological magic and related esoteric knowledge, the textual has played and continues to play a vital role. Equally, celestial knowledge consists of ‘reading’ the heavens; those learned in such communications are receptive to the intentions and portents of the gods. Furthermore, many processes, such as investigation, translation, distribution, collaboration, and education, are essential to its dissemination. 

Astral technologies, both historically and contemporarily, are cleverly developed and devised to gain knowledge of, to seek solutions or answers from, to perform function of or by the influence of the lunar, solar, planetary, and stellar. Such knowledge is made applicable in the hands of the artful, skilled, cunning practitioner. And, while innovation comes frequently, and along with perspective changes, we also find ourselves both enabled and limited by our technological inheritances. 

For those among us, curious to the above and about, the dance of heaven and earth is at once myriad, particular, complex, harmonised, and mysterious and it constitutes various knowledge. 

Our knowledge is astral and it is celestially formed, informed, and transformed. Now as before, there is much to be done and much to be shared. There are stellar litanies to write, heavenly orations to compose, astral figures to draw, empyrean data to tabulate, and celestial curios to cultivate.

You are invited to join us in this fourth Astro Magia as we survey, inspect, search, and traverse with fresh eyes Astral Knowledge: Transmissions, Technologies, & Texts.

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About the Conference

Astro Magia is an esoteric conference on the convergence of astrology and magic, its history, study, and practice. Within the contemporary western-astrological traditions, the practice of astral magic has often inhabited the fringe. This, however, is shifting as more are starting to see astral magic as the “missing piece” within the tradition: that of the participatory. Just as observational astrology moves us out from charts and into the living sky, astral magic offers the opportunity to move beyond concept and into encounter.

Aim of the Conference

Astro Magia seeks to annually assemble many voices engaged within the contexts and contents of astral magic and overlapping esoteric disciplines. We take a broad, transdisciplinary scope: one that encompasses the sorcerous; the astrologically-sophisticated; the folkloric; the academic; and the creative. The aim is mirrored by the diverse perspectives we aim to gather: those from practitioners, creatives, academics, and those who hold the space in-between. Equally, we wish to give space for all levels of familiarity with astral magic, its history and practices.

Needs-Based Lottery

Each year AM offers conference-sponsored spots for those who would like to attend but are not in a position to engage in a financial exchange.

Seven spots have been allotted this year and all that enter will be notified of the outcome in the week prior to the conference.

Video Library

Purchase an unlimited-access pass to the Astro Magia video-library. There you will find the catalogue of recordings taken from each of our past conferences to watch on-demand.

AM23 Keynote Speakers


other Contributors


Astro Magia Panels and Public Events

AM23: Astral Sensibilities & Sensualities

Corporeal, Material, Erotic

This is an invitation to delve deeply into the ongoing love affair between the heavenly and the terestrial, and within it to reimagine a 'holy material'. 

The role of embodying the astral is at the core of talismanic astral magic, a collision or collusion between the imaginal, the physical, the celestial, and the knowing skill of the mage. While this particular magical form may be the pièce de résistance of the arte, the application we know is much wider indeed. 

This is a call for but is not limited to explorations of: knowledge and practice of astral embodiments, be they through dance, body modification, or weightlifting; various forms of talismanic astral magic and their practicalities; honing astral sensibilities via aesthetic, physical, or metaphysical practices; engaging with the astral through building, gardening, and sculpting; and explorations of materia: herb, stone, gem. You are dared to make this as practical as possible. Practical applications of all kinds relevant to the beginner and the more advanced will be highlighted.

Many find that at the heart of this hidden intercourse is Eros, the Erotes, or the Erotic. It is the hope of AM23 to give ample room to delve into these dynamics, their role, and entanglement within the astral arts, as well as to all that is within the astral sensible and sensual.

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