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Solar Magic for Aries Season
Join IAAM for a conversation with Danny Larkin about solar magic. With the Sun exalted in Aries, there is a unique opportunity to work magically with the Sun.

From the Great Heaven to the Great Below and Rising Again: Navigating the Emanations of Venus
Join IAAM for a conversation with JD Kelley on the Venus Synodic Cycle and Retrogrades through associated lore, astronomy, astrology, and the direct participation of observation, ritual, mysticism, and magic

Uncoiling the Wood Snake - Magical Practices from Ancient China
Join IAAM for a conversation with Jennifer Ng about the Lunar New Year through East Asian perspectives and practices of magic, astrology, and geomancy!

Winter Solstice & the 12 Wild Nights Between Time with Maria Wander
Join IAAM for a conversation with Maria Wander delving into the lore and custom of Winter Solstice and the powerful potential of this time!

Chamber of the Magoi: Divining for Seers, Mystics & Magical Practitioners with NM Thomen
Join IAAM for a conversation with NM Thomen exploring magical practice and spiritual gifts in the nativity through the Lord of Hidden Knowledge and the Lot of Mastery & Magical Abilities!
Online: 10:00am PDT / 12:00pm CDT / 1:00pm EDT / 6:00pm GMT/ 6:00pm UTC / 7:00pm CET
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The vast wealth of astrological techniques for horoscopically discerning magical and psychic skills are found within the medieval Persianate and Islamicate tradition. Testimony of an individual's occult knowledge, psychic talents or the ability to see the Unseen can be discerned in the nativity through a number of formulae.
In this workshop we will explore how to determine what is referred to as the Lord of Hidden Knowledge and we will learn how to calculate the Lot of Mastery & Magical Abilities through a series of worked chart examples and live from IAAM members.
Widely employed within their own consulting practice, these techniques prove to be invaluable tools in identifying how to maximize our psychic or spiritual gifts and magical practice. NM Thomen will lead this workshop on how to determine and work with the Lord of Hidden Knowledge and the Lot of Mastery & Magical Abilities—advanced techniques taught by Al-Biruni, Abu Ma’shar and Al Khayyat as translated by Dr. Ali A. Olomi.
NM Thomen is an astromancer, spirit-worker and body-worker, writer, researcher and multi-hyphenate creative based in Ouidah, Bénin where they serve as the official astrologer for the Supreme Chief of Vodoun, Dada Daagbo Hounon Houna II. Their work centers at the intersecting roots of various mystical traditions, ancestral cosmologies and the creative impulse.

Magic on the Road: Pilgrimage to Ancient Sites with Gray Crawford and Genie Raftopoulos
Join us for a conversation with Gray Crawford and Genie Raftopoulos about pilgrimage to ancient sites as astrological magic.
Online: 10:00am PDT / 12:00pm CDT / 1:00pm EDT / 5:00pm GMT/ 5:00pm UTC / 6:00pm CET
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Gray and Genie recently toured sacred sites in Greece with Jason Holley and other astrologers in September 2024. Following in the footsteps of Demetra George and Brian Clark’s pioneering work of organizing tours for astrologers to ruins and healing sites in Greece, the next generation is now leaping into the adventure of pilgrimage and cherishing the magic found on the road – when we embody the 9th house.
How do our relationships with the planetary deities change once we visit sacred sites? In this talk, Gray and Genie will share pictures of visits to several places in Greece.
Gray Crawford is a professional natal, horary, and electional astrologer. Gray brings a relational approach to astrology using techniques drawn from ancient and modern sources, synthesizing influences from Hellenistic, magical, mythic-archetypal, and psychological astrology. Gray has taught at UAC, NORWAC, and ISAR astrology conferences, various astrology associations around the USA, and is a member of the faculty at Kepler College. Gray’s astrological writing has been published on, in WellBeing Astrology, and by Ignota Press. Gray can be contacted on his site where he also writes astrology articles and offers astrological education.
Genie Raftopoulos is a talismanic jeweler, multidisciplinary artist, and founder of Tides of Tethys. Her work bridges ancient metalsmithing traditions with astrological and magical practices, creating handcrafted talismans guided by celestial timing and inspired by esoteric wisdom. Drawing on a decade of experience, Genie specializes in the ancient techniques of wax carving, sand casting, and lost wax casting, creating limited collections from the finest earth-grown gemstones and metals. Her practice is deeply influenced by astrological texts such as the Picatrix, Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy and Ficino’s Three Books on Life. Genie holds a BFA from Queensland College of Arts and an MFA with Distinction from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, and she continues to explore the intersections of art, astrology, and spirit relationship through her arts practise and writings.

“Great Things in Riddles”: Deciphering the Mystery Language of the Orphic Hymns with Kristin Mathis
Join us for this IAAM and Astro Magia co-sponsored session with Kristin Mathis about the Orphic Hymns, translation, language, and mystery.

The Serpent Kiss: Eros and Necessity
Join us for a conversation with Ione Richards about the lots of Eros and Necessity: fate, fortune, and Hellenistic religious philosophy.

Night Hours of the Hidden Chamber: Horoscope Houses and the Egyptian Amduat
Join us for a conversation with J.M. Hamade about house significations in astrology and their roots in Ancient Egyptian solar theology and magic.

UNION OF THE CROSS AND THE ROSE: Revealed AstRal Magic and Initiation
Join IAAM for a conversation with Cath Thompson concerning English Qaballa, revealed astral magic, Venus-Sun conjunctions, and initatory practices.

Astral Sensibilities
Join IAAM for a conversation with Alkistis Dimech and JD Kelley entailing the sensual, the body, the occult virtues, and astral magic.

The Gods of Mesopotamia & Essential Dignity
Join IAAM for a conversation with Danny Larkin about the gods of mesopotamia, their influence on the formation of astrology and essential dignity, and how their legacy lives on in astrological magic.
This illustrated lecture will share highly quality images of extant artifacts to introduce the Mesopotamian gods associated with the planets - Marduk (Jupiter), Ishtar-Inanna (Venus), Ninurta (Saturn), Nabu (Mercury), Nergal (Mars), Utu/Shamash (Sun), Sin/Nanna (Moon). Some quotations from literary sources will be shared.
Since the Project Hindsight translations of the 1990s, there has been an explosion of interest in essential dignity in the astrological community. Among astrological magicians, essential dignity is a pivotal concept as we search for auspicious times for planetary invocations and elections. Given the laconic nature of discussions of essential dignity in early Greek and Latin astrological treatises, many astrologers have drawn parallels with themes in Greek and Roman mythology to further illuminate these doctrines.
However, Essential Dignity was developed by the astrologers of Ancient Babylon, long before Alexandria and Athens became nexuses of astrological learning. This Babylonian work crystallized into what we now call the domiciles and exaltations. Its core substance remained intact in the later evolutions of astrology in Egypt, as well in its mutations and evolutions during the hellenistic, persian, medieval and renaissance periods.
In 1998, Francesca Rochberg, an Assyriologist and professor at the University of California, Berkeley, published groundbreaking translations of Babylonian clay tablets written in cuneiform that record the positions of the planets in zodiacal signs at the time of an individual’s birth. A few tablets even offer rudimentary interpretations of character traits or predict future life events based upon the planet's essential dignity and zodiacal positions. The earliest tablet dates from the 5th century BCE.
How might we more fully integrate these Babylonians roots into our approach to essential dignity as astrological magicians? Although, it is evident that the doctrines of the domiciles and the exaltations trace back to Mesopotamia, the cuneiform tables are frustratingly succinct. But there is enough text on the cuneiform tablets that we can begin to draw parallels with other words, names and ideas in extant literary sources from Mesopotamia.
How might our understanding of Venus’s strength in Pisces, Taurus and Libra connect with metaphors in existing texts on Inanna? How might our understanding of Jupiter’s strength in Pisces, Cancer, and Saggitarius connect with the symbolism of Marduk? There is a golden opportunity here to explore the myths of Mesopotamia to shed light on essential dignity in its initial Babylonian milieu.
Recent scholarship has rewritten the history of myth. Mesopotamian lore is now widely understood as a formative influence upon Hesiod, Homer and other Greek writers whose stories would shape the pan-hellenic pantheon after whom the planets were renamed, superseding their earlier Babylonian and Egyptian names. These Greek myths were formed in a dynamic literary tension with Mesopotamian and Egyptian antecedents. Certain themes and tropes were repeated and carried forward, others were discarded, and new ideas for new times were introduced. For example, it is not a mere chance that Zeus like Marduk is a storm god who reigns as King of the Gods. Although, other facets of the justice and harmony of Zeus diverge from what we know of Marduk.
The purpose here is not to diminish or to subtract from any of the profound work with greco-roman myth of the astrologers that came before us. It is additive - our contemplations and storytelling can be enhanced by expanding and integrating the older gods of the Fertile Crescent, based upon recent scholarship that was not previously available.
Because of the protracted conflict in Iraq since the shambolic 2003 US invasion during the mendacious presidency of George W. Bush, astrologers have not been permitted to visit the ruins of sacred sites in Iraq, explore the statues at the Baghdad Museum, and to intuitively encounter these deities despite their formative influence on astrology. Greece and Egypt are relatively more accessible.This talk is a start towards healing an epistemological war wound that scars astrological magic.
Danny Larkin is the Vice President of the International Association of Astral Magic (IAAM). He previously served as Vice President and then President of the Association for Young Astrologers (AYA) (2017-2020). He is a lifetime member of the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) as well as the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR).
Danny is a pillar of the astrology community in New York City. He studied modern astrology with Annabel Gat and John Marchesella. He serves as a fellow of the New York NCGR chapter and teaches classes as part of its faculty. He organizes the largest monthly gathering of Astrologers in New York - the Big Apple Astrology Meetup at the New York Theosophical Society, which he inherited from the late Kirk Kahn. Danny is certified at the first level by NCGR-PAA. He is fully certified by ISAR, passing the ISAR competency exam after a series of workshops organized by Anne Ortelee.
Danny is deeply connected with Psychological Astrology and the Faculty of Astrological Studies. He has attended every in-person Summer School at Oxford since 2017, and shares a birthday with Melanie Reinhart. He is currently working towards its certificate, and eventually aspires to attain its formidable diploma in modern astrology. Along with Rory Keys, he is one of the few astrologers in his generation with the distinct privilege of studying in person with Liz Greene, when she gave a workshop in Cornwall in 2017 on Jung’s Red Book and the interconnections between astrology, theurgy, myth and analytic psychology.
Danny is deeply connected with the revival of Hellenistic and traditional astrology. He attended Demetra George’s inaugural retreats in Hellenistic Astrology in 2016, 2017 and 2018. He joined Demetra on a pilgrimage to sacred sites in Greece in 2019 - right before the pandemic - exploring the mysteries as one of the roots of the magical tradition. He passed Demetra’s first and second Herculean exams in Hellenistic Astrology with Distinction, and is currently bringing his third time lord exam to completion. He assisted Chris Brennan with research projects for his landmark 2017 book on Hellenistic Astrology, and plans to re-engage and finish his course after completing Demetra’s exams. In 2024, Danny began studying Medieval and Persian techniques as an enrolled student of Benjamin Dykes, as an extension of his penetrating studies with Demetra and Chris.
Danny is Irish-American. In 2022, he traveled to Ireland with his brother Sean. As brothers, they underwent an initiation into the celtic path with Ireland's most prominent living druid - Ard Druí Con Connor - in the bogs of Roscommon - the county of their ancestral Larkin roots. As brothers, they crawled through the mud and entered into the depths of a cave to the otherworld that freed their Celtic ancestors from fear. Danny is fearless about facilitating pagan and astrological community. He is passionate about crawling through the mud to organize events in person and online that resurrect the celestial spirituality of his druid ancestors. At times grandiloquent, loquacious, over-opinionated, unabashedly anti-colonial, prone to angry tirades, but overflowing with the wit and blarney of the Emerald Isle, Danny is probably too passionate about astrology’s past, present and future.

Chanting the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra to Shiva as Eclipse Remediation
Join IAAM for a conversation with Chris Davies about Shiva and chanting the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra - महामृत्युंजयमंत्र, महामृत्युञ्जयमन्त्र - as a magical remediation strategy during eclipses.
It’s eclipse season… again!
This conversation will continue our exploration of how contemporary astrological magicians can draw upon the Vedic tradition in a respectful manner for magical strategies to cope with the energetic challenges of the eclipses.
In the western astrological magical tradition, the advice is essentially to steer clear of the eclipses. The Nodes are thought to destabilize or exaggerate astrological influences, rendering unpredictable results magically. No day of the week, planetary hour, herb, or gem is linked to the nodes. This creates a challenge for magicians looking to remediate eclipses.
The Indian tradition offers a different framework. It is widely observed that the effects of meditation and mantra japa (chanting) are magnified 10,000-fold during an Eclipse – making this a potent and auspicious time for chanting. Although, some mantras can only be shared with individuals initiated into a particular tradition, there are other mantras in the Vedic tradition that are – for lack of a better term – open source. Any practitioner on any path at any level is welcome to chant it and to build a relationship with its sacred sound and the deity to which it is addressed.
In this conversation, Chris will introduce Shiva as a spiritual ally for eclipse season and the famous Mahamrityunjaya Mantra addressed to Shiva. Shiva is one of the principal deities of Hinduism. In his benevolent aspects, he can be portrayed as an ascetic as well as a householder with his wife and children. In his fierce aspect, he can be portrayed as a demon slayer. Shiva is known as the first Yogi and is the patron god of yoga, meditation, and the arts. Shiva is a natural starting point for beginning a journey with Vedic chanting as eclipse remediation.
The Mahamrityunjaya Mantra is one of the most potent and ancient Sanskrit mantras, which the chanter addresses to Shiva. It is a short set of phrases but must be chanted in Sanskrit, not in a modern translated language. By chanting it, the individual can enhance their mental, emotional, and spiritual health, and begin to achieve emancipation from the desires that are heightened during eclipse season.
Chris will introduce us to how to chant the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra in Sanskrit and to respectfully incorporate it into a magical practice during this upcoming eclipses. After a brief introduction, much of this session will be experiential. Chris will chant the mantra and then share how astral magicians can appropriately pronounce it and fold it into their ritual practice.
Chris Davies has a Masters Degree in Vedic Studies. Has studied Jyotish and Ayurveda under the direct guidance of traditional vedic experts whose families have practiced these traditions for hundreds of years in India. He holds this knowledge as his most precious resource as a jeweler and a student of the vedic tradition. It is his greatest joy to share this tradition with clients.
Orphic Hymn to Eros
Join IAAM for a talk with Drew Levanti about the Orphic Hymn to Eros and how to unlock its mystical potential as an astrological magician today.
In this talk, Drew Levanti returns the Orphic Hymns to their native philosophical and cosmological context. A fresh translation of the Orphic Hymn to Eros by Kristin Mathis will serve as the foundation for exploring the magical potency of the Hymns and the harmonic potentials embedded within the Orphic canon.
In most astrological contexts, Eros might be relegated to the niche topics of asteroids or Uranian astrology. However, in the ancient Mediterranean magical and mystical practices, Eros assumed a far more prominent role.
Eros was of great importance to the Orphics, a mystery sect for whom Eros “governs the whole All,” as attested in the Orphic Hymns.
Originating in the initiation rites of this offbeat sect, the Orphic Hymns have served to invoke divine beings since before the dawn of Platonism. Early ritual uses of the Hymns stood in contrast to the state-led propitiations of temple priests, which were not accessible to the people. Perhaps rebelling against politico-religious forces that excluded them from sacred ceremony, the Orphics offered initiates direct contact with the divine.
Orphism went on to influence the first forms of astrological magic, as preserved in Greek Magical Papyri, the various forms of theurgy that crystallized during Neo-Platonism, and even shaped Marsillo Ficino’s reconceptualization of astrological magic during the Renaissance. The roots of our tradition as astral mages are intertwined with the enigmatic Orphic sect.
However, the Hymns left to posterity by the Orphics have fallen victim to puritanical translation biases that sanitize their original erotic and magical elements. With its profound animistic and non-dual essence, Orphism assembles a cosmos that is shamelessly erotic, non-vertical, and vitally interconnected.
Join us as we amplify the resonance of Eros and renew Orpheus’s ancient medicine.
Drew Levanti is a consulting astrologer and mystical educator based in San Francisco.
He shares the understanding that life infinitely invites us into godly presence.
This drives his teaching, spanning astrology fundamentals, elections, and the magic of the Orphic Hymns.
In Drew’s client practice, dialogue is collaborative, fueled by astropoetic interpretation that is realistic, strategic, and affirming of a free-will world.
Explore his website to learn more about Drew’s work and join the next Orphic Hymns class, hosted alongside scholar-translator Kristin Mathis.

Air and Pluto into Aquarius
Join IAAM for a talk with Chris Reppucci about Air and Pluto into Aquarius.
As Pluto ingresses Aquarius now more long term we continue our progression through this era of the airy element. We will briefly discuss what happened in previous cycles to establish what we might expect and then explore how we might situate ourselves in the moment for most organic outcomes in our bodies and the stories we inhabit as magically operative people in attention to the cycles of the sky. This talk seeks in some sense to simplify certain elements of a complexifying and re-assembling world so we may enjoy the dynamic potentialization while staying grounded in the being in which we inhabit, encoding in our experience a mnemonic chorus effect of light and breath as sound, word and sentiment translates via the transference of celestial expressions protecting us from the increasing threat of possession while forming unique nodal arrays.
Chris Reppucci makes his living from divinatory, astrological and metaphysical consultations. He researches, writes about and lectures on celestial cycles and cosmogenetic paradigms. Having grown up with astrology, magic, the supernatural and especially divination in the home, Chris spent life exploring the phenomenon of reality through music, art, ritual, performance and participatory, ceremonial events, oscillating near and far from traditional forms to unorthodox fringes but remaining close to nature’s organic potency while contemplating the extremely ancient. Living life far from cities has been core to his experience, drawn to where there is enough darkness for the light of the Moon and stars to make the most impact.

Astrological Earth Magic for the Winter Solstice
Join IAAM for a special conversation with Gary Caton about a unique opportunity for Earth Magic during the 2023 Winter Solstice.
There will be a rare and unique astrological configuration this Winter Solstice. The Sun and a retrograding Mercury will meet for an inferior conjunction in Capricorn on the solstice. This alignment opens a window of opportunity for highly potent magic ritual that resonates with the earth element.
This ritual potency takes place outside of the strict rules for talisman creation or electional astrology. This potency comes from the cycle of Mercury and the energy that becomes available with every Sun-Mercury conjunction, interwoven with the Winter Solstice as its own door to unlock.
The planet now named Mercury was far more unabashedly magical in the earlier Egyptian and Mesopotamian tradition. In Babylonian Astrology, Nabu was identified with the planet mercury. Nabu was the god of scribes, literacy, and wisdom, who also performed an ocular function. In Egyptian astrology, Thoth was identified with the planet Mercury. Thoth was the god of the Moon, wisdom, knowledge, writing, hieroglyphs, science, magic, art and judgment.
Over the course of 2023, Mercury has spent most of its time in earth signs. Because of the retrograde cycle, Mercury always ends up going back and forth in a particular element. This year, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn all experienced a mercury retrograde. Broadly speaking, our earthly understandings have been tested and misunderstandings of earth may have been revealed. Each of us has our relationship with earth depending on our charts and the spiritual paths we are walking down.
One approach to ritually mitigate mercury retrograde is to ritually lean into the earth element on the day of Solstice when the Sun and Mercury meet, as well as on January 12 the when Mercury reaches its point of maximum elongation as a Morning Star. Examples of Earth ritual include herbs, crystals, burial, and magic objects.
These two celestial configurations close the earth cycle. Mercury moves into the Fire cycle afterwards. Now is the last opportunity to work with earth in connection with the Mercury cycle until 2029. Instagram - @skyastrologer X - @HermeticAstro
Gary P. Caton is a professional astrologer and transdisciplinary Hermetic practitioner. He integrates diverse traditions, art forms and practices gathered over a full Saturn cycle. Initiated an astrologer by a magnificent Dream in 1993, hebecome an accomplished counselor, writer, podcaster, teacher, photographer and mage.
Gary studied Hellenistic astrology with Ellen Black, Robert Schmidt, and Michael Erlewine during the heyday of Project Hindsight. He’s been at the forefront of several recent trends in the renaissance of ancient techniques. He’s drawn inspiration and insights from Daniel Giamario on the visual and mythic traditions of Mesopotamia. He’s also collaborated with Adam Gainsburg on the enterprise of rediscovering the Synodic cycles and unlocking their meanings in chart interpretation.
Gary has frequently published in various prominent Astrological journals and websites, including: The Mountain Astrologer, The Astrological Journal, Considerations, The International Astrologer, Geocosmic Journal, Horoscope Guide, Wellbeing Astrology Guide, Planet Waves, and The Ascendant (the scholarly journal of the Association for Young Astrologers).
In 2017, Gary’s published Hermetica Triptycha: The Mercury Element Year with Rubedo Press. It quickly became the premier book on magical approaches to navigating Mercury retrogrades and other moments in the Mercury cycle.
Gary has spoken at numerous international, national and regional conferences including NORWAC, UAC, GLAC as well as a great many NCGR chapters and other local gatherings.
Website –
Instagram - @skyastrologer
X - @HermeticAstro

A Tribute to Jake Stratton-Kent
A tribute to Jake Stratton-Kent: his person, work, and legacy, tune in for a joint-session between IAAM and Astro Magia 2023.
Jake Stratton-Kent was a genuine gem. He was a distinctive leader, occultist, and author known for his work in the field of Western esotericism and his remarkable contribution to the magical revival.
His particular focus on grimoires, ritual magic, and the traditions and histories of Western occultism was brought to life through his in-depth practical and academic investigations.
Some of his notable works include "The True Grimoire" and "Geosophia: The Argo of Magic." In these works, he explores and discusses various aspects of traditional Western magical practices and provides insights into the historical and philosophical foundations of Western esoteric traditions, much of which has been of significant influence on astral magical practitioners and others alike.
Jake Stratton-Kent died on the 17th of January 2023.
This IAAM-sponsored roundtable will consist of Dr Al Cummins, Alkistis Dimech, Cath Thompson, Chris Reppucci, Kadmus Hershel, and JD Kelley.

Chanting Vedic Mantras as Eclipse Remediation
Join IAAM for a talk with Priya Kale about Vedic chanting as a magical remediation during the eclipse season.
Together we will study the basics of mantra japa – do’s and don’ts, the significance of sound, correct pronunciation, and planetary associations with the corresponding Vedic deities and their mantras. Participants will leave this talk equipped with a simple, basic Sādhanā sequence that they can incorporate into their magical and spiritual practices.
No previous knowledge of Vedic astrology is required. This class is an introduction to mantras, their sanctity, and their power when chanted accurately, and appropriately, with sincerity, humility, and devotion.
In the current movement to resurrect astrological magic in the west, the most effective methods to navigate the intense “dragon energy” of eclipses are still in a beta-testing phase. Currently it is often advised to steer clear of the nodes in workings. The Nodes are thought to destabilize or exaggerate astrological influences, rendering unpredictable results magically. Equally, no day of the week, planetary hour, herb, or gem is linked to the nodes. This creates a challenge for magicians looking to traditional western astral-magic sources for insight into the potential of eclipses. How can we work with the eclipses on the magical level?
In recent years, many astrological magicians have looked to India for a magical approach to eclipse remediation. In the Vedic tradition, Eclipses are likewise regarded as inauspicious for electional astrology or any external activity - including drinking water. However, it is said, the effects of meditation and mantra japa (chanting) are magnified 10,000-fold during an Eclipse – making this a potent and auspicious time for the Saadhaka (spiritual aspirant).
Mantra, Yantra, and Tantra are the three basic esoteric aspects, techniques, or tools of Sri Vidya (divine knowledge) used to harness the power of God, and the forces of the Universe. In this talk, we will explore their basic definitions, functions, and connections. Specifically, we will focus on the power of Mantras and chanting as a sacred magical practice to mitigate the malefic effects of eclipses.
In Jyotish, the North Node Rahu is considered to be the cause of our rebirth. We are reborn to fulfill desires left unfulfilled in our previous lives. Rahu activations, especially during eclipses, can grip us with insatiable desires. These uncontrollable appetites for worldly possessions and egoic attachments can wreak havoc and perpetuate the cycle of reincarnation. On the other hand, the South Node - Ketu liberates us from the bondages of Maya and the material world. It is referred to as the Moksha Karaka (significator of spiritual liberation) in a chart. Sādhanā (daily spiritual practice/discipline) is recommended to mold the mind to resist these illusory desires, cultivate detachment, and re-focus on the ultimate goal of ‘Moksha’ – liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
In essence, each Eclipse is a magical call to action to dispassionately detach from the temptations of the North Node and grow in spiritual merits, while unlocking the heightened potency of the South Node to clear lifetimes of Karmic debris. This is not resignation or passivity. These intricate ideas are frequently lost in translation outside of India.
Insta: @planetpriya
Born in Mumbai, in a lineage of Vedic astrologers, Priya Kale is a NYC-based consulting Western astrologer with a worldwide clientele and readership, in professional practice since 2006. Her horoscopes and work have been published in various outlets including Cosmopolitan, Astroguide for Vice Media,,, Astrologyzone, Yahoo! Australia, CondeNast Traveller, Moonology, and her website She has also spoken at various major Astrology Conferences, in the US and internationally. She is currently working on her book on Chiron, based on 17 years of research and experience. She is also currently studying Jyotish in the Sri Achyutananda Parampara; and Vedic studies, Meditation, Ayurveda, under the guidance of her Guru, Her Holinesss Sri Amma Karunmayi.

Astrological Magic and Interior Design
Join IAAM for a talk with Carole Taylor about the intersection between astrological magic, interior design and the local space technique.
In the early 1970s, Michael Erlewine invented the local space technique. Although widely practiced throughout Europe and the United Kingdom, this magical astrological experience of space is not as well known in North America and the rest of the world. Dropping our planets down onto the local horizon, each of us possesses our own unique experience of the compass directions that we carry into our homes, our places of work and other spaces we visit. In essence, in the northern hemisphere, the MC corresponds with due south and the IC corresponds with due north. It is reversed in the southern hemisphere. Depending on their zodiacal position between the
IC and MC, each planets is then transposed onto our own personal compass. For example, if we have the moon on the MC, an energetic lunar line emanates out from the center of every space out towards due south. We might then encounter lunar content when we interact with objects and rooms within spaces on this line that invite us to face towards the south.
In the Local Space technique, we are invited into a relationship with these compass lines that emanate out from each space’s center. This talk explores the psychological and magical perspectives which we can use to explore these relationships to the physical world, from our immediate home environment to a larger global view. The lines can suggest attributes of the places we frequently inhabit, often mirroring our inner psychological responses to these various spaces. Indeed, on a domestic level, the longer we live in our home, the more it becomes an outer expression of our inner psychology. The local space technique roots us in the doctrine of correspondence and the idea of magic as a conscious effort to work with the system of bonds between revealed and concealed worlds. We will look at the technique generally, but with a focus on using it in our home – how the arrangement of our living space comes to reflect our intentions, issue and experiences, and how conscious rearrangement can play a positive role in our developmental process and help us to live more expressively and magically.
Carole Taylor, MA, FFAstrolS, is an astrological consultant and teacher. Her work is informed by Jungian principles and by studies in mythology, archetypal imagination and Western esoteric traditions. She was formerly President and Director of Studies at the Faculty of Astrological Studies, founder of its online classes programme and an extensive contributor to its course material. She holds an MA in Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred, and is a tutor on the Sophia MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David. Carole is the author of Astrology: Using the Wisdom of the Stars in Your Everyday Life and co-author of Journey Through Astrology.

The nuclear wound: Gnostic Astrology & Cinema
Join IAAM for a creative interdisciplinary talk and conversation with Artist & Astrologer Ben Jeans Houghton that dynamically interweaves astrological magic, gnosticism, and cinema.
“This presentation is an introduction to and exploration of the relationships between Gnosticism, Astrology, Animism and AI. With reference to the speculative worlding evident in the histories of film and animation, I will propose their function as the prophetic warnings of our collective subconscious, that dramatise the outcomes of our exponential trajectory towards the possibility of apocalypse.
“In the first half I will propose a developmental chronology that maps the evolution of a living cosmos, exploring how its essential structures echo into incarnation and the architecture of a Gnostic astrology, with reference to Planetary Archons as agents of control from both pessimistic and optimistic perspectives. I will continue to speculate on the existence of three states of being, whereby our immersion in the theatre of incarnation, provides us with transformative opportunities for materiality, spirituality and magic.
“I will continue by illustrating a möbius loop in space time, centred on the solar wound of atomic warfare, that echoes back into Gnostic histories and forward into Artificially Intelligent futures. Establishing a foundation from which to speculate on the macrocosmic and microcosmic function of the nuclear wound; as an evolutionary initiation within the architecture of a Gnostic astrology.
“In the second half I will then deepen these perspectives by way of reference to the history of cinema, providing examples that look back to the origins of our understandings and forward to our wording of futures yet to arrive, in hopes of illuminating the dreamlike function of a living cosmos.”
insta: @benjeanshoughton & @arkastrology
Gnostic Animist, Artist and Astrologer Ben Jeans Houghton’s multidisciplinary practice spans votive-sculpture, architectural-installation, oneiric film-essay, liquid-crystal painting, self-reflexive writing, ritual costume, improvised performance, mantric-glossolalia and esoteric lectures. The work explores and expresses magic; the art of transformation and its methodologies, technologies, agencies, and implications, through art-praxis, as-gnosis, informed by astrological, philosophical, and metaphysical perspectives. Situating creativity as a generative site for a timely remembrance of occulted metaphysics and methodologies by challenging and dismantling the monopoly of the materialist paradigm, towards the reinvigoration of contemporary creative tools, for the forming of honest futures based on mutual flourishing in right-relation with a more-than-human cosmos.
Ben has delivered exhibitions, screenings, presentations, performances and publications internationally in Germany, Greece, Africa, Japan, South Korea, and America and nationally across the UK with CCA, Gymnasium Gallery, Bloc Projects, Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, Generator Projects, Whitstable Biennale, BFI and Channel Four amongst others. Ben has also previously presented esoteric lectures for the Trans States; Esoteric Arts Conference and AstroMagia; Art of Astral Magic Conference and will be performing and presenting at the Occulture Conference in Berlin this year.

Plants in Astrological Magic
Join IAAM and Debbie Stapleton for a conversation about astrological magic, folk herbalism, navigating planetary correspondence in the plant kingdom, and developing a plant-based astrological magic practice that is anchored in your local space and the land that surrounds you.
There is a major hurdle when we first approach the intersection between astrological magic and botany. Key treatises by Agrippa, Ficinio, Ibn-Ezra and Culpepper among others do not assign the same plants to the luminaries and 5 visible planets. This can be perplexing. How can I be sure I am picking the right plant?
Due to the laconic nature of surviving treatises, the first principles that motivated each astrological magician to assign plants to specific plants is not mentioned. Given the oral tradition of astrological magic, these first principles were once considered obvious. These lists were meant to be a reminder to an initiated practitioner. Debbie will introduce us to these first principles, which are clearly evident to individuals with a deep knowledge of plant/planet correspondences, but can be obscure to those of us who might not yet be intimately familiar.
Instead of getting trapped in the cage of a universally applicable plant cannon, it is crucial to situate each surviving treatise within its specific climate and historical moment. For example, whereas Agrippa traveled widely throughout Europe, his list indicates plants more readily available in Germany, whereas Ibn-Ezra lists plants that a practitioner could procure in the drier climate of Spain, and Ficino suggests plants common in Tuscany. This opens an invitation to us - what are the plants in our immediate environment that resonate with the first principles of plant/planet correspondences?
Living on the West Coast of Vancouver Island in Canada, on unceded Coast Salish land, in T’Sou-ke Nation, Debbie Stapleton has sought out the plants that resonate with each planet in the temperate coastal ecosystem she now calls home. During this talk, Debbie will introduce the underlying first principles for the plant correspondences of the luminaries and 5 planets, and then will share personal stories about how she found the planetary plants close to home, cultivated a relationship with them, and then brought them into her folk herbalist astrological magic workings. Each of us is invited into a similar practice.
Webpage: IG: @starfruit_astrology
Debra Stapleton is a Canadian artist, singer, herbalist, and astrologer. She offers holistic astrology readings & courses for those seeking a soulful life through a deeper connection to the cosmos. Her approach synthesizes classical, medical, magical, and archetypal astrology, reading birth charts as an interwoven map of mind, body, and soul. Debra’s paintings explore an imaginal, meditative dialogue with the cosmic spheres using color and texture to illustrate planetary energies. She creates melodic tonal soundscapes with lyrics that evoke dream imagery and cosmic themes.

Astrological Magic in the Greek Magical Papyri with RORY KEYS
Join IAAM for a conversation with Rory Keys about astrological magic in the Greek Magical Papyri.
The Greek Magical Papyri (PGM) – a collection of various texts authored by numerous unknown individuals of Classical Antiquity – are equally attractive as they are elusive to the modern practitioner. Rather than a systematic instruction in a particular method of magic, the papyri are the rituals, records, and recipes of Greek-speaking native Egyptians. These individuals offered their magical and astrological expertise to the general public as magicians-for-hire. Given their pragmatic perspective, they willingly adopted, incorporated and syncretised the deities of foreign pantheons into their work, notably the Gods of Greece.
The Greek Magical Papyri feature numerous astrological references, oftentimes rudimentary but nonetheless in accordance with the teachings of classical astrologers, such as Vettius Valens. Certain planetary rituals within the papyri, when combined with hellenistic timing techniques, are easily adapted by the modern mage for the purpose of theurgy. This talk will explore how these particular PGM fragments can be incorporated into the contemporary practice of astrological magic.
Rory is a professional Astrologer, based in London. In addition to working as a consulting astrologer, Rory is a researcher, lecturer, teacher and practitioner of hermeticism. His field of interest consists primarily of the astrological and magical innovations emerging from Alexandria during the Ptolemaic Kingdom and subsequent Roman Occupation. He has given presentations for the Astromagia Conference, the Scottish Astrological Association, and ISAR Star Club, among others.

Taming the Fire: Mars Magick
Join the IAAM for a zoom conversation with Sabrina Moncini about Mars in Astrological Magic.
This conversation opens with a challenge. Where does the inner warrior lay in our life and how can we benefit from Mars Magic ? But also: are we aiming to develop some Virtues in our Astro Magic practice and let the celestial Spirit work with us at many subtle levels?
In Homer’s Iliad, Zeus tells Ares “‘To me you are the most hateful of all the gods who hold Olympos. Forever quarreling is dear to your heart, wars and battles.’" (5. 699 ff). Mirroring Homer, the earliest forms of astrology regarded the red planet as unabashedly malefic, causing strife to the topics of the house Mars occupies, exerting a challenging influence upon the houses Mars rules, and interfering with the planets that Mars squares and opposes. Within this paradigm, it seems wisest to simply get out of Mars' way and not play with fire.
It is a great irony in the history of astrology - that in spite of the cliché that the greeks were more intellectual than the romans - it was in Rome, and not Athens, as a center of learning in late antiquity, that a new model for Mars was conceived in astrology, a model related to the Virtus or masculine strengths. The Roman hymn of Mars would start with " sing him the father of the gods…". This Roman doctrinal innovation remains underrepresented in today's discourse, owing to a focus on Greek sources instead of the Latin corpus. As a native of Tuscany, Sabrina Moncini has engaged extensively with this “Roman swerve” that would go on to influence the importance of the martian energy in our life and Astro Magic practice.
After considering this roman history, Sabrina Moncini will pivot to address the more practical challenges of creating talismans to mitigate the energetic challenges that many individuals with a debilitated mars encounter. A few case studies will help to clarify pathways for today’s practitioners.
However, working magically with planetary energy does not just mean wearing a Talisman. There is conscious work that we can do to more deeply understand how Mars energy moves in our life. Throughout her client work, Sabrina Moncini has consistently noticed that success with Martian magic seems to be connected with a more nuanced understanding of the psychologies of Mars, in terms of aggression, the quality of the orgasm and fully inhabiting our body. The segment will briefly touch upon some key insights from psychology that are not widely discussed. Although most practitioners of astrological magic, as well as the clients that book us for consults probably regard themselves as sex-positive or sexually liberated, Sabrina Moncini has consistently observed that forms of disembodiment can lurk and get in the way of healthy expressions and outlets of Mars energy. Insights from psychological theory can help us to view these challenges more clearly and to clear Martian blockages.
Join us for a fascinating talk that will touch on the myth, history, practice, and psychological theory of unlocking the full potential of the red planet in astrological magic.
fb: @sapienzaceleste -
Sabrina Moncini is an interdisciplinary psychological astrologer and astral magician, who lives and works in Tuscany. She started studying Astrology in 1990. She holds a Diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies and took numerous seminars from Liz Greene during the heyday of the Center for Psychological Astrology. Moncini complemented her education in England with coursework in Florence at CIDA (Italian Centre for Astrology) as well as a diploma course on Social Psychology at the University of Florence. Fascinated by the psychological potential of body work, she also completed a five-year course of study in the Body Mediation Counseling School, Corenergetic as well as a diploma in Neuro Linguistic Programming. Moncini has also extensively studied Robert Zoller’s approach to medieval and renaissance astrology, as well as Christopher Warnock’s work on astrological magic. She has developed deep competence in the natal, horary, elective and magical branches of astrology. For nearly two decades, Sabrina Moncini has been deeply engaged in client work that synthesizes her expertise in Astrology, Psychology, Bodywork and Astrological Magic.

Eros, Astrology, and Magic
Join the IAAM for a conversation with Michael Ofek on the fundamental role of Eros within the theory and practice of astral magic.
"The whole power of magic consists in Eros. The work of magic is the attraction of one thing by another because of a certain affinity of nature.” ~ Marsilio Ficino
"Eros is giving birth in beauty, both in body and in mind.” ~ Plato Symposium
This lecture explores the principle of Eros, and its primary role in the metaphysics of astrology and magic. Drawing on Orphic mythology, Platonic philosophy, and Chaldean Theurgy, we will shed light on the different aspects and levels of Eros. We will explore its virtues of attraction and mimesis, it's intimate connection with astral light, the alchemical “secret fire” and the creative impulse of the cosmic (and individual) soul. We will also examine Eros's connection with ecstatic states of consciousness, and the principles of the theurgic "erotic ascent". All these will pave the way for an in-depth understanding of its primacy in all magical workings and creative activities, with a particular focus on astrological magic and image-making. Finally, we will also learn some practical perspectives on directly engaging with the magical powers of Eros.
Michael Ofek is a professional traditional astrologer, cosmologist, and astral magician from Israel. He has been practicing astrology and magic for more then two decades, avidly researching all branches of the ancient tradition, with an emphasis on Hellenistic astrology and its connection with Greco-Egyptian cosmology, philosophy, theurgy, and magic. His passion lies in unveiling and reconstructing the roots of the tradition, and the practical re-figuring of these ancient arts. Michael is also a student and initiate of the mysteries of Andean shamanism and of working and healing with entheogens. In his work, Michael stresses the importance of direct experience of astrological processes, for which he has developed a unique system, drawing on and integrating magical, theurgical and shamanic practices. Michael is an international speaker, and gives workshops and lectures worldwide, including magical retreats. He is the co-founder of the Israeli professional astrology magazine “Urania”, which also produces yearly.

Becoming Co-creators of a Living Corpus: Quindecim Stellis & Fixed Star Magic with Christopher Warnock
Join the IAAM for a zoom conversation with Christopher Warnock on "becoming co-creators of a living corpus", Quindecim Stellis, and Fixed Star Magic
Fixed stars are the current cutting edge in astral/astrological magic. Christopher Warnock discusses the practical creation of fixed star talismans and metastructural themes through the lens of De Quindecim Stellis: the Comprehensive Translations of Hermes on the 15 Fixed Stars which he recently published.
Chris will also share recent work focused on the Pleiades using the techniques drawn and elaborated on from Quindecim Stellis.
Christopher Warnock has been a traditional astrologer and Renaissance astrological magician since 1998. He has been called "the father of the traditional astrological magic revival" and the "elder statesman" of astrological magic. With John Michael Greer, Mr. Warnock translated the Latin Picatrix, the most important grimoire of traditional astrological magic and has written and published many books on astrological magic and traditional astrology. Mr. Warnock also teaches astrology and magic courses and offers authentic astrological talismans. His website is Renaissance Astrology.

Erotic Elections as Astrological Magic
Join the IAAM for a zoom conversation with Drew Levanti about how electional astrology, magic, desire, and sex positivity can intersect.
This conversation opens with a challenge. What if we don’t want to wait until Venus is in Taurus, Libra or Pisces?
Can we engage with electional astrology to attract the divinity of the erotic when these ideal conditions are not present? Or are we wasting our time, or even putting ourselves in harm’s way?
Over the past two years, Drew has performed experiments exploring this question, and will now share the results. With a light heart, Drew will explore electional charts that appear offbeat from a magical perspective, asking what powers may be available outside the standard dignities commonly sought in electional protocols.
One important discovery - reception, a condition formed when a planet aspects or conjoins its ruler - manifested powerful effects in erotic elections of Venus.
Sharing stories of life as a queer person in San Francisco, Drew will present a pair of electional charts, alongside the adventures that unfolded, speculating on the magical outcomes reception and other chart configurations might offer.
Sexuality, the erotic, the illicit, the Dionysian and queer experiences will be discussed openly and joyfully.
Everyone is welcome to attend - regardless of sexual identity, practice or expression. This will be a groundbreaking talk in which the principles of electional astrology and astrological magic are brought into dialogue with emerging and evolving dynamics in the sex positive sub-cultures within the queer community.
Drew Levanti is a writer, speaker, researcher, teacher and consulting astrologer based in San Francisco on the ancestral lands of the Ohlone peoples.
Specializing in elections and event charts, Drew’s work explores the aliveness of time and the everydayness of magic.
Drew teaches Initiate, a live virtual class on these topics. Learn more about the class and how to be part of the next cohort here.
Drew is also a teacher in Austin Coppock’s Fundamentals of Astrology courses.
Drew has spoken at the Northwest Astrology Conference, the Astrological Association Conference, the Queer Astrology Conference, Fresh Voices in Astrology. and the Astrology & Climate Change Conference.
Drew has written for the magazine WellBeing Astrology, and a forthcoming article in The Mountain Astrologer that explores the astrology of Pokémon from its inception to the present day.
Instagram: @anthrosophist
Twitter: @anthrosophist

Saturn Magic
Elodie St-Onge Aubut and Chris Reppucci on how to relate to Saturn magically.
During the first part of the session, Chris and Elodie will lead us through a series of images that explore different facets of Saturn. How can sacred images deepen our relationship with Saturn behind the cliches of social media?
During the second part of the session, Elodie and Chris will examine Saturn’s domiciles of Aquarius and Capricorn, as well as Saturn’s exaltation in Libra. By drawing upon insights from lunar mansions and other doctrines, we can appreciate some nuances of Saturn’s final phase in Aquarius and the particular magic that is available to us at this moment and as we prepare for Pluto’s first foray into Aquarius since 1798.
Elodie St-Onge-Aubut is a French Canadian Astrologer currently living on the island of Newfoundland. Research, divination, teaching, archeoastronomy and the study of various healing modalities are her main interests outside of simple living and communing with nature and animals in the most embodied ways possible.
Chris Reppucci resides in non-urban places, spends time with dogs, practicing celestial cycle modeling, metaphysical design, and narrative conditioning for a variety of clientele- pours lunacy into images and writings, and seeks an integrated lunar zodiacal experience with reality through research and direct engagement.