Featured Speakers
Christoper Warnock
introduction to CONSTELLATION talismans
Website: renaissanceastrology.com Facebook: @Renaissance-Astrology YouTube: @renaissanceastrology
Fixed stars are the new cutting edge astrological talismans, but what about their "cousins" constellations? Chris Warnock discusses what are constellation talismans? How do they differ from fixed star talismans? What are our sources for constellation talismans? How do you elect and create constellation talismans? Ample electional charts and talismans will be shared to ground the exploration of the topic in applied examples.
Christopher Warnock has been a traditional astrologer and Renaissance astrological magician since 1998. He has been called "the father of the traditional astrological magic revival" and the "elder statesman" of astrological magic. With John Michael Greer, Mr. Warnock translated the Latin Picatrix, the most important grimoire of traditional astrological magic and has written and published many books on astrological magic and traditional astrology. Mr. Warnock also teaches astrology and magic courses and offers authentic astrological talismans.
MICKI Pellerano
Nakshatra, Hermetica, and Medieval Magic
Website: mickipellerano.com
Instagram: @mickipellerano & @timelord.tv Youtube: @timelord.tv
The Nakshtra of Vedanga Jyotisha reveal layers of depth to the syncretism inherent in the development of magical traditions. The Vedic lore surrounding them provides inspiration and elaboration for the relatively cursory material on Lunar Mansions and Behenian Stars in such canonical works as Picatrix and the Books of Agrippa.
This presentation introduces the beneficial fusion of Nakshatra principles into talismanic magic as well as horoscopic and electional astrology. Powerful techniques are revealed to create elections more bespoke to the individual practitioner based on one's natal lunar mansion position. Practical methods for implementing corresponding deities, gemstones, and plants are demonstrated alongside novel techniques for the construction and consecration of magical talismans.
Micki Pellerano is a reputed professional astrologer and a practitioner of Hermetic Magic with over twenty years' experience. His practice derives inspiration from a broad range of systems including yoga, tantra, and chaos magic. Occultism permeates Pellerano's history as a visual artist. He speaks and presents regularly, while maintaining his program and educational platform Time Lord TV.
Will Morris
Sky, Sound, and Ritual
Website: medastro.com & kootenaysoundhealing.ca
Twitter: @pulsedoctor
Instagram: @willmorris33
Facebook: @will.morris.524
Academia.edu: @williammorris17
In this presentation, we will explore the use of sound and ritual based upon the astrological chart for the moment. As such, it is a form of 'resonant theurgy' whereby coherence is sought between the forms of musica mundanos, musica instrumentals, and musica humanis: the sky, sound creation tools, and the practitioner.
Astrological traditions of various cultures can be used to arrive at the choice of placement in the local space environment of related objects and/or frequencies. Within this particular exploration, we will use midpoint structures as an official tool for gaining a focus. It is one thing to place things in various directions related to the Sky and Earth, and it is another to select the altitude of the expression in space based on the astrological declination (the altitude within the zodiacal band relative to the Celestial equator).
Dr. William Morris began his astrological career with his first consultation in the fall of 1977 while working as a professional musician. Upon leaving the road, he began using music from an astrologically informed perspective for healing purposes. Understanding that, to thoroughly practice medical astrology, one also had to study medicine, he earned a doctorate in Chinese medicine and a PhD focused on practice-based ways of knowing, extending into all disciplines, including astrology and homeopathy. His approach to astrology is eclectic, employing methods throughout the history of the Western tradition and India.
Sabrina Moncini
From Morpheus to the Oneiroi: the art of dreaming in late antiquity
Website: sapienzaceleste.com INstagram: @sapienzaceleste Facebook: @sapienzaceleste
In Greek mythology, Morpheus was a god of dreams and had numerous siblings, collectively known as the Oneiroi. While Morpheus was known as the bearer of messages and prophecies from the gods in the form of dreams, two other Oneiroi were respectively responsible for nightmares (Phobetor) and strange and surreal dreams (Phantasos).
I will explore the ontological state of dreaming, which is that of liminality, of being in between or in transition. Dreams definitely open the door to different sensibilities and realities that have been addressed with much interest and respect in late antiquity.
I will explore how dreams were seen in late antiquity and how they were categorized, starting from the theory of incubation and going through the work of Artemidorus, Synesius, and Macrobius. Finally, I will explore how astrological magic relates to dreams and, therefore, talismans that may enhance the quality of dreams and the work on dreams.
Sabrina Moncini is a body psychotherapist, interdisciplinary astrologer, and astral magician from Florence, Italy. Sabrina was awarded a diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies (London) and consequently undertook courses in traditional astrology and astrological magic. She is particularly interested in ancient philosophy, shamanism, psychology, and anthropology, disciplines she finds at the crossroads of the practice of astral magic and which profoundly inform the discipline. For nearly two decades, Sabrina has been deeply engaged in client work and teaching that synthesizes her expertise in astrology, psychology, bodywork, and astrological magic. In recent years, she has been researching the dimension of the soul in late antiquity and the related states of liminality that belong to it.
Charly MCCreary
Towards an Embodied Astrology
Website: esotericsocialmedia.com
Instagram: @aquarialist
Facebook: @innercircleic
The intellectual pursuit of astrological knowledge can span a lifetime, but what of the embodiment of the celestial archetypes? How might our relationship to the starry heavens and the great wanderers of the solar system be deepened through a more embodied astrological practice?
In this session, we will explore an emerging field of astrological work coined ‘embodied astrology,’ a discipline that incorporates a variety of disciplines including ritual theatre, psychodrama, and creative expression. These types of practices help us develop a more personal relationship with the planets, and can yield more potent, transformative, and powerful client work. Offering ourselves as vessels for the divine transmissions of astrological archetypes can also add surprising new dimensions to devotional practice, if we embrace the vulnerability and humility this type of work asks of us.
Charly McCreary is an astrologer, ceremonialist, plant medicine practitioner, and ritual theatre artist based in Hawai'i. Her astrological focus is archetypal astrology, informed and inspired by sacred stories of the ancient world, and how they can inform our lives today. She and her partner Isaiah Dearborne are The Inner Circle IC, a collaboration dedicated to education, ritual, ceremony, and healing.
Kristin Mathis
Aphrodite's Winds: Sailing the Orphic Milky Way
Website: kristinmathis.com
substack: @mysteriamundi
Instagram: @cosmicspiritauntie
Facebook: @kristinnoellemathis
twitter: @urspiritauntie
The Orphics were an ancient counter-cultural Mystery community whose ritual life included embodied practices of erotic cosmo-navigation. Through poetry, song, dance, and ritual, they curated spaces where grief, longing, and desire for the divine could be performed, metabolized, and instantiated in the bodies of the initiates, who were understood to sail the Milky Way to the immortal stars through the winds of Aphrodite’s love.
We are fortunate to have a vast body of work surviving from this tradition—including The Orphic Hymns, a text beloved by many astro-magical practitioners. However, the cosmology underlying the Hymns has remained murky to both scholars and practitioners alike—in large part because the Hymns were intentionally composed in an elliptical manner, using puns, wordplay, and esoteric associations based on extremely ancient Mystery teachings. Close reading of the original Greek reveals a deep and startlingly original pre-Socratic cosmology centering on Heavenly Aphrodite (Aphrodite Ourania), who is not only a cosmic force (as we find her in Diotima’s teachings from Plato’s Symposium), but is actually Herself “the All” or “the One" who exceeds and inter-penetrates all facets of the cosmos. For modern practitioners, understanding Heavenly Aphrodite's role in early Orphism offers exciting new and ancient alternatives to the more familiar hierarchies of Platonist cosmologies.
In this presentation I will give a brief overview of my original work reconstructing Orphic erotic cosmology, as well as examples of how the Hymns were used by early Orphics to steer the helm of the initiate’s soul-body towards the immortal stars. Slides will feature excerpts from my own Hymn translations, as well as star charts, astrological diagrams, and abundant artwork and archaeological finds. Attendees will come away with a refreshing "take" on old myths and astrological material--one that helps shed light on the origins of all Western magic and astrology, including later traditions in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic cultures.
Kristin Mathis is a poet, translator, and educator in Lenapehoking, aka Brooklyn, NY. She is currently at work (The Mysteria Mundi project) translating the Orphic Hymns in a way that allows readers to access the (hither-to unexplored) hidden esoteric wordplay and meanings of the original Greek text. A spiritual peripatetic herself, she has grown to love the Orphics for their counter-cultural "take" on the familiar Greco-Roman myths, and for their star-worship based on a fractal, animist, erotic cosmology.
Demetra George
Asteroid Signatures: Wizards, Magicians, Herbalists, & Alchemists
Website: demetrageorge.com
Facebook: @demetrageorge Academia.edu: @demetrageorge
Ancient views of the cosmos include the notion of daimons, a host of semi-divine beings living in the celestial spheres who were tiny, invisible, and linked divine and human realms as agents of planetary fate. I am proposing that the asteroids, which were unknown until the beginning of the nineteenth century, correspond to the daimons in this cosmological model, and that the ancients had a philosophical category for a class of celestial entities that would not be discovered physically for another two thousand years.
From among 23,000 asteroids, this presentation will focus upon those that were named after legendary wizards, mythic deities associated with enchantment, magic and herbalism, and historical alchemists. Learn immediately how to find the zodiacal positions of the asteroids such as Merlin, Circe, Isis, Eros, Hermes, Paracelsus, John Dee, Spirit and others and identify which are most significant in a chart. Reflect upon which traditions and teachers are best supported in a nativity as an integral part of a person’s lineage, studies, and practice.
Demetra George, scholar, translator, and practitioner, brings the practice of contemporary astrology back to its ancient roots. Early in her career with the publication of Asteroid Goddesses (1986), she looked to cross-cultural mythologies to draw out the archetypal meanings and psychological expression of newly available planetary bodies. She then turned to Greek and Latin texts, articulating the history, cosmology, and techniques of traditional astrology. Author of seven books, her most recent is Ancient Astrology in Theory and Practice: A Manual of Traditional Techniques, Vols. 1 &2 (Rubedo Press, 2019,2022).
J.M. Hamade
Constellating Hands: A Study in Sinistral/Dextral Dynamics
Website: starnightdwell.com
Instagram: @starnightdwell
patreon: @starnightdwell
Using the Western figural-constellations known as Virgo, Gemini, Perseus, Orion, and Ophiucus, this class will explore the relationship between the stars of their left and right hand sides. Though it is often seen as a controversial distinction in magic, as well as in culture at large, generally the left is seen with more suspicion and 'feminine' qualities while the right holds those of positivity and 'masculinity.' In both playing with these stereotypes as well as exploring their many nuances we begin to see the variability of star images/bodies; their living qualities as well as magical (or, perhaps sorcerous) potentials.
J.M. Hamade is an interdisciplinary artist, diviner, writer, and educator, currently residing in New York City. With a focus on both general and historical forms of 'Image Magic,’ his/they’re work seeks to bridge contemporary aesthetics with time tested magical techniques rooted in astrology, star lore, as well as various talismanic art-forms.
Possessing a keen interest in craft, Hamade has apprenticed in the ways of butchery, the funerary arts, and most recently, the art of floristry. Passionate about the printed word, they have published both writing and illustration with Hadean Press, The Mountain Astrologer, and Revelore Press. Hamade has received a BA focused in Printmaking from San Francisco State University as well as being a current MFA candidate at the City College of New York focusing on video and sound.
Soledad Davies
The role of altered state of consciousness in astrological magic
Website: psicocymatica.com
instagram: @astro_peregrina & @psicocymatica
Facebook: @soledaddavies Youtube: @psciocymatica
Astrological magic is based on the idea of an interconnected cosmos mirrored in nature, which is alive and impregnated with meaning, intelligence, and purpose. If astrology is regarded as a philosophical practice rather than just a set of ancient and modern techniques, what are the implications of practising astrological magic in a contemporary world rooted in the split of mind and body, humankind and nature (including the sky)?
Soledad Davies M.A., is an astrologer from Patagonia Argentina, and holds an M.A. in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology (University of Wales TSD, UK). She also has studied Western Esotericism (University of Amsterdam, NL). Her main interest lies at the intersection of astrology, philosophy, and religion. In 2016, she founded PsicoCymática, an international centre for the study of astrology & esotericism.
Gary P. Caton
Astral Magic on the Blockchain: NFT as Materia
Website: dreamastrologer.com
instagram: @skyastrologer
Facebook: @dreamastrologer Twitter: @HermeticAstro youtube: @gary P Caton
The most recent Jupiter-Saturn conjunction along with Pluto's ingress to Aquarius have seen the unleashing of enormous technological breakthroughs. I will share my experiences of harnessing the blockchain and AI technologies for creating talismanic NFTs, or NFTalismans and the subsequent effects, material, psychological and spiritual.
Gary P. Caton is a transdisciplinary Hermetic practitioner integrating diverse traditions, art forms and practices gathered over a full Saturn cycle. Initiated an astrologer by a magnificent Dream in 1993, he's since become an accomplished counselor, writer, podcaster, teacher, photographer and mage.