Meet the Keynote Speakers
Christopher Warnock
Sigils, Stars and Stones: Astrological Gems, Image Magic and Occult Virtue
Drawing from his book Celestial Gems and Sigils, Chris Warnock delves into the ancient lore of lapidaries, revealing the underlying spiritual power of occult virtue, that ties together the material, celestial and spiritual.
Christopher Warnock has been a traditional astrologer and Renaissance astrological magician since 1998. He has been called "the father of the traditional astrological magic revival" and the "elder statesman" of astrological magic. With John Michael Greer, Mr. Warnock translated the Latin Picatrix, the most important grimoire of traditional astrological magic and has written and published many books on astrological magic and traditional astrology. Mr. Warnock also teaches astrology and magic courses and offers authentic astrological talismans.
Facebook: @renaissance-astrology
YouTube: @renaissanceastrology
Elodie St-Ogne-Aubut & Chris Reppucci
Folding Place and Time
Speaking on spaces that can be found, imagined, created, developed, enlivened and re-visited through visionary methodologies and used as oracular interface and ‘’workshop’’ in tandem with other magical modalities to inform your practice. The interweaving of astrological considerations, kairotic time cycles, residing goetic personae and directional resonance have led us to frequent and operate within particular locations folded into the world map which develop both organically on their own as well as respond to our participation.
We will discuss our processes as both memoir and way-pointing for how psychic, emotional, physical and energetic nervous system projection can bridge phenomenological layers of world, body and being as pathway to interacting with spirits and the otherwise sentient across celestial and terrestrial spectrums, inside and outside of the body.
Elodie St-Onge-Aubut and Chris Reppucci and have been collaborating for years on end in a continuous dialogue which sounds the depths of raw reality. Chris in Maine and Elodie in Newfoundland, they both experience life outside the swing of societal overlay and remain close to natural occurrence of all variety. Their work with the Lunar Zodiac holds awareness of what is phenomenological vs egregoric in the world at large and how that reflects within metaphysical traditions. They both make their living practicing astrology full time, are in the throes of the extremely ancient and deal with dogs on a daily basis.
Website: Instagram: @28shapes
Website: Instagram: @9th_house-astrology Twitter : @feralkittennChris Website: Instagram: @maresnest Twitter: @crypto_claunech
Sasha Ravitch
Love's Own Monster: Erotic Stellar Witchcraft with Hydra
How does one ride upon the back of the Beast toward the Sanguine Horizon of Desire?
A-flight across the obsidian vault of the firmament is the slithering, vermillion gash of the great Serpentess, Hydra. Her throbbing heart– the fixed star, Alphard– boils the blood to a fever-pitch of need, and incites a riot of wanton hunger in the flesh.
Sasha Ravitch explores Hydra, Anthropophagate Queen of the Red Appetite, as the Stellar Witchcraft Mother of Erotic Sorcery, Libidinal Glamours, and Sexual Ecstasy and Obsession. How does the Scarlet Serpentess of the Skies transcend her noumenal kingdom and manifest within the phenomenal world? How can one constellate her stiletto-fangs and skin-sheds to compel greater reveries of inspiration, of frenzied sensuality, of undulating rivers of passion and power?
Ravitch will explore traditional and ancient astrological research, folk astronomical considerations, artistic and literary supplements and complements, details from her own grimoire concerning myriad intimate workings with Hydra, Alphard, and her legion of spirits, and include a series of introductory operations and Stellar Witchcraft rites and charms for individuals to perform so as to enhance all things lascivious, lusty, and ferociously creative. Hydra reminds us that shame is a waste of perfectly good pleasure, and pleasure is what makes life worth living. -
Mother of the field, she has coined "Stellar Witchcraft”. Sasha Ravitch spends her days as a consultant-practitioner and professional author. She regularly presents at conferences, having previously been a keynote speaker for AstroMagia, as well as a regular lecturer for the Salem Witchcraft & Folklore Festival, and most recently in academic conferences on the subject of Salome. Ravitch stewards a bustling community of Stellar and Deep-Space Witchcraft enthusiasts on her Patreon Discord server, while spending her free time spinning starlight and constellating desire from the floor of the ocean or a sunny rock in the river. You can book her for a consultation at
Instagram: @sasha.ravitch
Patreon: @sasharavitch
Twitter: @sasharavitch
Michael Ofek
Hermetically Open: Sensing the Celestial in the Terrestrial
“They marveled at seeing… earthly things in the heavens …and heavenly things on the earth” —Proclus.
Astrological magic is based on the cosmological assumption that the physical world is a tangible mirror of the intangible celestial world, and that therefore all levels of phenomena, from the most subtle of spirits to grossest of matter, are sympathetically chained by analogical correspondences. As astro-mages, when we work with the kingdoms of nature, gather our materials, and fashion our images, we are instructed by [or place our trust in] traditional lists of correspondence, which are sometime symbolically obvious, but most of the time not easily understood, not to mention the many disagreement of various sources.
How did these lists originally come about? What are the principles upon which they are laid? And, more importantly, what were the faculties of the early sages? What brought them to such insights into the nature of things? And, how can we develop this unique ability to see and sense into the world?
This lecture will try to answer these questions and help us reclaim these dormant abilities and sensibilities, in doing so activate other ways of sensing, seeing and engaging with nature and phenomena.
Michael Ofek is a professional astrologer, cosmologist, astral magician, and shamanic practitioner from Israel. He has been practicing astrology and magic for more then two decades, avidly researching all branches of the ancient tradition, with an emphasis on Hellenistic astrology and its connection with Greco-Egyptian cosmology, philosophy, theurgy, and magic. His passion lies in unveiling and reconstructing the roots of the tradition, and the practical refiguring of these ancient arts. Michael is also a student and initiate of the mysteries of Andean shamanism and of working and healing with entheogens.
In his work, Michael stresses the importance of direct experience of astrological processes, for which he has developed a unique system, drawing on and integrating magical, theurgical and shamanic practices. Michael is an international speaker, and gives workshops and lectures worldwide, including magical retreats. He is the co-founder of the Israeli professional astrology magazine “Urania”, which also produces yearly conferences and workshops.
Facebook: @OfekAstrology
“And upon Gaia he lay…”: On the Embodiment of the Heavens
How might we, even temporarily, escape from the contemporary dominance of abstraction and correspondence in our astrological thinking and instead experience the heavens in an immediate and concrete fashion? One strategy to peak beyond any current blinders and prejudices we may, often unknowingly, be limited by, is to look to those ways of experiencing the heavens which formed the foundation of what would later become the standard paradigm. In other words, before the formation of what would become so-called Western astrology in the Hellenistic Greek context, how were the heavens and their occupants – be they stars, gods, or something other – experienced?
My argument will be that before the formation of the great synthesis of Egyptian, Greek, and Mesopotamian elements that gave rise to what we largely call astrology, the heavens were experienced as embodied, as indeed were the gods. Far from metaphors or symbols, mythological descriptions of the bodily relations between Heaven and Earth and even Heaven’s castration are most informative when we take them literally. What are the details and full implications of this worldview? What does it mean to experience and engage with the bodies of the heavens and how might this inform our contemporary practices?
Kadmus is a practicing ceremonial magician. He published the book True to the Earth: Pagan Political Theology through Gods and Radicals Press and has taught classes every year for Salem Summer Symposium as well as for The Cauldron Black. He has also presented at the AstroMagia astrological magic conference the last two years including two keynote address, “Towards a High Pagan Astrology” and “Orpheus and Art as a Model of Magic”. Most recently he published the paper "Every Nekuomanteia is a Katabasis: Ancient Insights for Contemporary Necromancy" in Hadean Press’ Conjure Codex: Black anthology.
Website: Facebook: @Kadmus Herschel
Twitter: @StarandSystem
Alkistis Dimech
Stars of Babalon: Celestial Theophanies and the poietics of Flesh
The re-emergence of the figure of the Harlot of Revelation as the goddess Babalon in Aleister Crowley’s visions of the Enochian Aethyrs is arguably the first appearance of the heretical erotic divine feminine in the modern era. Crowley placed Her at the heart of his (sex) magick. Though radical in its time, his is a closed system and fundamentally misunderstands the sexual dynamic and human sexuality. In pursuing the ‘mystery of mysteries,’ that of Babalon, I have developed a personal magical and spiritual praxis rooted in the carnal body, independent of the solar-phallic doctrine of Thelema. In conjunction with my somatic practice, I’ve made extensive investigations into the Babylon of Revelation as the archetype and source of Crowley’s Babalon, tracing John’s Harlot to her origin in Inana-Ištar and the corpus of poetic, mythic and stellar lore associated with her. I propose that this corpus can be understood as a prehistory of Babalon, that the stellar theophanies of the hierodule Inana-Ištar are celestial bodies of the whore Babalon.
In this lecture – which develops further the thesis of my ‘Transgressing Angels, Entangled Bodies’ (Astro Magia, 2019) – I will speak about my experiments incorporating astral magic with the body-techniques that underlie my artistic and magical practice. Such methods, in their affective, creative and visionary potentials, can allow us to move beyond the impasse of an exhausted, unspirited culture and enflesh our visions of the future.
I am an artist, dancer, writer and occultist exploring the mysteries of the carnal body and its subtle anatomy through an archaeology and poietics of flesh. My art and praxis is grounded in ankoku butô (dark dance), which I have practised since 2002. I've studied multiple movement, performance and healing modalities, and have, through synthesis and experiment, developed a personal praxis and techne of transformation, of communion-communication with spirit(s), which is fundamental to both my artistic and magical work. Central to this work and to my spiritual path is the emergence of the heretical feminine divine power Babalon, and the cultivation of the sexual and erotic energies characteristic of her manifestion.
With Peter Grey I co-founded and run Scarlet Imprint, a small press which publishes practitioner-oriented works on magic, esotericism and the sacred.
I have performed, given workshops and spoken on my practice at events, conferences and research seminars in the UK, Europe and the United States. Selected works from 2008 to 2018 are published in The Brazen Vessel (Scarlet Imprint 2019). I am currently immersed in the creation of secunda creatura, and the texts and images for Antimony.
Instagram: @scarlet.imprint
Dr Alexander Cummins
Venusian Necromancy and Geomancing the Heart
Developing work on pre-modern folk eschatology and planetary necromancy, contemporary cunning-man Dr Alexander Cummins leads us in an exploration of the dark pin-stuck heart of Venusian nigromancy: from conceptions of Ovidian love-sickness to erotic malefic curse-work and its unbewitching. We consider the kinds of ghosts that haunt Venusian places, people, and passions, and how they specifically haunt in ways particular to the shades of Venus…
Grounding us in our hearts, our actions, and our living world, we will then celebrate the Venusian virtues and spirits that may be worked with via the geomantic figures of Puella, The Lady, and Amissio, Loss, to help us find the light in all that Venusian dark. Through a latticing geomantic framework of figural, planetary, and elemental-humoural diagnostics and remediations, we can explore a range of regimen and rituals, observances and taboos, and amulets and actions helpful in developing our medicines of the passions. As we shall see of these Venusian nigromancies - from healing a broken heart to grieving a lost loved one – such sorcerous and spiritual approaches to the planets, death, and spirits show humoural theory not merely as failed medicine or even four-part personality test, but a profoundly enspirited exploration of the hauntology of the embodied heart.
Dr Alexander Cummins is a contemporary cunning-man and historian of magic. His magical specialities are the dead (folk necromancy), divination (geomancy) and the grimoires. His published works include Nazarth: Pillars of Gladness (Hadean Press, 2022), An Excellent Booke of the Arte of Magicke (Scarlet Imprint, 2020) with Phil Legard, The Starry Rubric (Hadean Press, 2012), A Book of the Magi (Revelore Press, 2018) and several chapbooks as well as essays in collections by Three Hands Press, Hadean Press and Scarlet Imprint. He is a frequent speaker on the international circuit, co-hosts the podcast Radio Free Golgotha, and is a founding editor of Revelore Press’ Folk Necromancy in Transmission series. Dr Cummins’ work, classes, and services can be found at
Website: Facebook: @grimoiresontape
Instagram: @grimoiresontape