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Gary P. Caton: Embodying Trismegistus: Integrating Alchemy with Astrology and Magic

According to Hermetic tradition, there are Three Parts to the Wisdom of the Whole Universe. We're privileged to be part of a recent leap forward in the integration of Astrology and Magic. But what about Alchemy?

First we'll look at the astrology of the most recent historical flourishing of Alchemy, and its emergence along with the entrance of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions in Fire signs. Next we'll note how ancient grimoires like Picatrix display understanding and use of Alchemical principles. Finally we'll discuss some ways, both theoretical and practical, that we as modern teachers and practitioners can invite and embody further integration of our rich Alchemical tradition.

Gary P. Caton is a transdisciplinary Hermetic practitioner integrating diverse traditions, art forms and practices gathered over a full Saturn cycle. Initiated an astrologer by a magnificent Dream in 1993, he's since become an accomplished counselor, writer, podcaster, teacher, photographer and mage. A long time veteran presenter, Gary is author of Hermetica Triptycha: The Mercury Elemental Year, the first ever comprehensive, holistic and integrated treatment of Mercury's retrograde cycles. Gary is also the astrologer and forecaster for Celestial Planting Calendar, which facilitates practitioners of biodynamics, a form of modern agricultural alchemy.

September 14


September 14
