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Sabrina Moncini: Chasing Hermes Down the Rabbit Hole

When we approach Hermes, we are dealing with a multifaceted archetype. He is a shapeshifter and psychopomp, spanning realms and domains, and overall, a symbol of knowledge, communication, and transition. Its knowledge ranges between the peaks and the depths: it can lead you upward towards the intellect or accompany you in the ecstatic expansion of consciousness, depending on how you engage with it. The only thing you know is that if you are kidnapped by Hermes, you will face an initiation, a passage that will profoundly transform you and by crossing a boundary, it will make you wiser. I will engage with a specific image of Mercury taken from the work of Giordano Bruno and reveal the many levels of work we can do with it, while also outlining a possible path for learning astrological magic, where I want to combine depth research historical, philosophical with imaginative processes and expansion of consciousness, such as art, meditation, dreams. I will take inspiration from some key texts of our practice, outlining how from them we can recover astrological prescriptions and indications and develop a hypothesis of coherent learning and practical application of our discipline.

Sabrina Moncini: I am a professional astrologer, astro magician and body-oriented psychotherapist. Interested in multidisciplinary contaminations that broaden our vision of the world, I combine modern and traditional astrology, promoting a harmonious and inclusive dialogue between the two approaches. I obtained a Diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies (London) and subsequently dedicated myself to the study of traditional astrology where I learned Astrological Magic and became a fervent practitioner of the discipline. In providing detailed astrological services such as analysis, predictions and personal talismanic suggestions, I aim to primarily cater to the needs and well-being of my clients. In addition to my private practice, I am a teacher and collaborate with some astrology schools in Europe.

September 14

Morning Riverboat

September 14
